Which Soap Is Best For Oily Skin?
Which Soap Is Best For Oily Skin? ANSWER: Soap containing rosemary, olive soap, tea tree, lemon, geranium, lavender, grapefruit, neroli, charcoal and natural clays. Sebaceous glands produce sebum which protects and moisurises your skin. Pay attention to your surrounding environment. If your skin becomes too dry your skin will try to compensate for this by producing the opposite situation. If your skin is just quite oily then:
The Do's
1. Wash regularly to avoid acne and blocked pores
2. Exfoliate at least twice a week
3. Practice relaxation (e.g., Yoga or meditation)
4. Stay out of direct sun
5. Stay out of dusty places
6. Use coconut water on skin and drink it
7. Eat citrus fruit
8. Make sure to drink your 6 - 8 glasses
9. Eat a healthy diet
10. Stay away from drying environments
11. Use common sense
12. Moisturise (not too much)
13. Remove make-up before bed properly!
14. Eat whole grain
15. Do your OWN research
2. Exfoliate at least twice a week
3. Practice relaxation (e.g., Yoga or meditation)
4. Stay out of direct sun
5. Stay out of dusty places
6. Use coconut water on skin and drink it
7. Eat citrus fruit
8. Make sure to drink your 6 - 8 glasses
9. Eat a healthy diet
10. Stay away from drying environments
11. Use common sense
12. Moisturise (not too much)
13. Remove make-up before bed properly!
14. Eat whole grain
15. Do your OWN research
The Do Nots
1. Don't wash your face TOO regularly
2. Don't wear too much make-up
3. Don't wear make up every day, give skin a break
4. Don't use harsh soaps
5. Don't drink too much booze (Yes you heard)
6. Don't eat too much fast food
7. Don't use quick fixes in place of eating healthily
8. Don't be a teenager (sorry you're actually normal)
9. Don't believe people who just have 'opinions'
10. Don't exfoliate TOO often
11. Don't use supplements to compensate for a rubbish diet
12. Don't be lazy with your healthy food intake
13. Don't touch your face a lot
14. Don't expect results if you eat rubbish
15. Don't go in the sun too much
16. Don't use a sunbed (you're drying and ageing skin)
17. Don't worry too much!
2. Don't wear too much make-up
3. Don't wear make up every day, give skin a break
4. Don't use harsh soaps
5. Don't drink too much booze (Yes you heard)
6. Don't eat too much fast food
7. Don't use quick fixes in place of eating healthily
8. Don't be a teenager (sorry you're actually normal)
9. Don't believe people who just have 'opinions'
10. Don't exfoliate TOO often
11. Don't use supplements to compensate for a rubbish diet
12. Don't be lazy with your healthy food intake
13. Don't touch your face a lot
14. Don't expect results if you eat rubbish
15. Don't go in the sun too much
16. Don't use a sunbed (you're drying and ageing skin)
17. Don't worry too much!