Why is handmade soap better? Handmade soap is better for the environment and your skin because it contains fewer synthetic ingredients. Find out more. ![]()
Why Handmade Soap Is Better?By Michael Holloway BSc, MSc. Updated 12/05/2021 HANDMADE SOAP IS BETTER THAN A SYNDETWhy is handmade soap better? Handmade soap is better for the environment and your skin because it contains fewer synthetic ingredients. Synthetic ingredients used in SYNDET bars for example and liquid soap tend to be produced on an industrial scale. Soap bar production has a far smaller negative impact on our environment. So handmade soap is better from 2 predominant perspectives. Firstly that it results in fewer mass produced products being in your skin and in the environment and secondly, it is less harmful and requires less energy to produce. HANDMADE SOAP IS BETTER FOR OUR COMMUNITIESSoap made by hand also tends to be better because it is quite regional In the UK. This means that by buying handmade soap you are more than likely supporting a local business. A business that hires people who spend their wages in your community meaning your community sees the benefits. This is a great way to send the message to conglomerates that local businesses and jobs matter and that we are prepared to choose alternatives where there is a clear benefit for the community. It also means that fewer miles will have been travelled in order to deliver the soap, not only helping the environment; but allowing for a shorter timeframe between production and usage, ensuring ingredients and fragrance are still at their best. HANDMADE SOAP IS BETTER FOR OUR SKINThe resuts are also better. The results of using handmade soap on the skin is noticeable immediately. Because handmade soap is so natural, with none of the chemicals that supermarket soap has, it is creamier and more moisturising. It doesn’t leave that tight feeling after washing your face, due to the drying effects of the chemicals in mass-produced soap. The transparency of the products and methods used in production, and the easily-recognisable list of ingredients included, means handmade soap can be trusted to be kind to problem skin and not exacerbate conditions such as eczema and acne. PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE IF YOU LIKED IT!
1/25/2022 10:17:09 pm
It really helped when you mentioned that synthetic ingredients are included in making handcrafted soaps. My wife told me that she is hoping to find an adult-shaped soap as a gift for her friend, she asked if I have any idea what is the best option to do. Thanks to this helpful article, I'll be sure to tell her that it will be much better if she consults a trusted adult and funny-shaped soaps shop.
11/4/2022 06:59:15 pm
I like how you talked about how handmade soap is more moisturizing. My wife and I recently moved to a new state and my knuckles have been cracking because of how dry it is here. I will have to purchase some handmade soap so that I can get my skin to heal.
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